• Tests
  • Personality & motivation

Personality & motivation

Personality & motivation questionnaire measure the behavioral criteria and traits that determine professional conduct and performance.


24 credits



Test description

The Personality and Motivation Questionnaire is based on the principle of multiple-choice questions. The respondent assigns different weights to these statements. Based on the recorded responses, reports are compiled to determine an objective view of personality, motivation and preferences in different situations. There are seven reports in total, focusing on motivation, BIG 5, sales skills, management, performance, lean management and personality typology. All reports are available without restriction with each completed questionnaire. The questionnaire measures behavioral criteria and traits that determine professional behavior and performance. They are based on the Professional Behavior Model and consist of 30 dimensions. These 30 dimensions describe typical and predictable functioning in a professional setting. The Professional Behavior Model combines the Five-Factor Model for personality and Murray's Motivational Model with respect to situational preferences and needs. If desired, Testzebra can provide training and interpretation guides for each report.


Soft skills